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Large Duval Cupid Urn plus freight

Large Duval Cupid Urn plus freight

Our garden urn is a replica of a Louis XIV original believed to be designed by French artist Pierre Duval Le Camus (1790-1854). This piece is an heirloom architectural element and guarantees lasting beauty. Our grand bronze urn, which gives the impression of the Ch de Versailles, is expertly finished with a hand-applied multidimensional emerald verde bronze patina. The substantial urn sculpture is individually cast in the traditional lost wax method, which is fraught with exquisite detail from its basket-woven crown and pondering cherub handles to its swags of fruits and flowers. Sure to be a focal point, this Design Toscano exclusive heirloom-quality bronze garden statue conveys that you take the exterior of your home as seriously as the interior.

Additional Product Details
UPC # 846092040346
Manufacturer Design Toscano
Model / Item Number DTSU3192
Case Quantity 1 (case quantity not required)
Country of Origin THAILAND
Weight 48.00 lbs
Dimensions 24.00 (D) x 13.00 (W) x 19.00 (H) inches
Dimensions (Metric) 60.96 (D) x 33.02 (W) x 48.26 (H) centimeters
Categories Garden Statues
Tags Valentine's Day
Nature is a stress reliever from God. Take time today to listen to the birds sing!