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Animal Eyes

Animal Eyes

Imagine being able to see in ultraviolet wavelengths, or locating your next meal in near darkness, or being able to rotate your eyes independently so you can see nearly everything around you without moving your head. These are just a few examples of the incredible adaptations animals' eyes have made to help them survive and thrive in their habitats.
Animal Eyes introduces young readers to the wonderful, wide-ranging and sometimes downright weird eyes that make up the animal kingdom. The book starts with a crash course in how eyes and vision work -- covering everything from the biology of eyes to the physics of light to the features that protect eyes and keep them clean. Following this is a survey of 40 of the world's most interesting animal eyes, replete with gorgeous full-bleed and inset photos and detailed captions.

Additional Product Details
UPC # 9780228104131
Manufacturer Firefly Books
Model / Item Number FIRE0228104131
Case Quantity 1 (case quantity not required)
Country of Origin CANADA
Weight 0.50 lbs
Dimensions 0.25 (D) x 9.00 (W) x 9.00 (H) inches
Dimensions (Metric) 0.635 (D) x 22.86 (W) x 22.86 (H) centimeters
Categories Children's Books
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