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Gardening for Butterflies by Robert Michael Pyle

Gardening for Butterflies by Robert Michael Pyle

Gardening for Butterflies, by the experts at the Xerces Society, introduces you to a variety of colorful garden guests who need our help, and shows you how to design a habitat where they will thrive. This optimistic call to arms is packed with everything you need to create a beautiful, beneficial, butterfly-filled garden. Gardeners will learn why butterflies matter, why they are in danger, and what simple steps we can take to make a difference.

Additional Product Details
UPC # 9781604695984
Manufacturer Workman Publishing
Model / Item Number HB9781604695984
Case Quantity 1 (case quantity not required)
Country of Origin CHINA
Weight 1.83 lbs
Dimensions 9.00 (D) x 8.00 (W) x 0.69 (H) inches
Dimensions (Metric) 22.86 (D) x 20.32 (W) x 1.7526 (H) centimeters
Categories Books
Tags Butterfly
Nature is a stress reliever from God. Take time today to listen to the birds sing!