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Woodland Sprites Crystal Art Medium Framed Kit

Woodland Sprites Crystal Art Medium Framed Kit

A berry filled tree is a bird's safehaven for these Woodland Sprites waiting out a winter storm. The Crystal Art Medium Framed Kit wall art is conveniently mounted on a wooden frame, so it's wrinkle free and ready to display after it's embellished. No unnecessary unrolling of the canvas, pressing out creases, or searching for a frame, which makes it a perfect gift both before or after crystals are applied. The versatile double-sided crystal pick-up pen allows you to pick up a single crystal or up to three at a time! It also functions as a budging tool, so you can always get your crystal exactly where it needs to be, mess free.

Additional Product Details
UPC # 5055865482367
Manufacturer Outset Media Games
Model / Item Number OMCA48236
Case Quantity 20 (case quantity not required)
Country of Origin CHINA
Weight 1.29 lbs
Dimensions 1.00 (D) x 12.25 (W) x 12.25 (H) inches
Dimensions (Metric) 2.54 (D) x 31.115 (W) x 31.115 (H) centimeters
Categories Puzzles for All Ages
Nature is a stress reliever from God. Take time today to listen to the birds sing!